

We love to be a part of what God is doing here at Nerang. Many of our members give generously of their time and talent to make the church a great experience for others. The person who makes your coffee, or teaches your children, leads with music, or greets you at the door…these are people giving of their time and talent. If you would like to be involved in volunteering at church, we’d love to help you find a way to do so. Chat to one of the Church Leadership Team members on a Sunday.


Here is your opportunity to give into the ministry of Nerang Uniting Church.
If you are a member of the Nerang Uniting Church, you can use these banking details for your tithes or to pay for an event or activity.

Bank Account Direct Deposit

If you would like to electronically deposit or make periodical payments, bank details are:

Nerang Uniting Church
Bank: Westpac
BSB: 034 635
A/C: 413453