

Christmas Eve Service 
(Specially designed for families but everyone welcome)

Christmas Day Service
8:30 am



Nerang is our home town and we know God calls us to reach out to the Nerang community. We are called to do what we can to help others to know God and to take care of those who need a hand.

Thanks for stopping by our web page, we hope you discover what you are looking for. Remember if you have a question that remains unanswered you can phone us or send an e-mail.



Worship and Children’s Church  is at 8:30 am every Sunday.

We generally begin with the Church news, so if you are running a little late don’t panic, it happens. We’d rather you come a little late than not at all. Be confident that you can slip in and still get the message.

Children go into the hall with our Children’s Church leader about 10 minutes into the worship service.

Holy Communion is celebrated during worship on the first Sunday of each month.

Family Service is held on the third Sunday of each month at 8:30 am, no Children’s Church on these Sundays as we all celebrate God’s grace together in worship. Family service offers lots of active songs, short videos and stories to engage all ages.

Children are welcome in our church family. While we have a children’s room, it’s really for the comfort of parents. We know God made children to laugh, cry and yes even ask questions so that’s exactly what we expect they’ll do.

Following worship you are invited to join us for a coffee and fellowship in the church hall. If you have other plans or commitments we understand. There will be other opportunities to enjoy fellowship.


Families & Young People


2nd Saturday of each month at 4pm

Worship service designed with families in mind, great music and a message for all ages. Relaxed meal follows the service.


4th Saturday of each month
February to November

Messy Church is fun for all ages. We begin the afternoon at 4 pm with creative activities drawn from Bible themes. About 5 pm we pack up our creative time and move into the church for a special celebration including stories and songs. After our celebration time we sit down to enjoy a meal together. Families contribute $15 each and singles $5 to the cost of the meal and program resources.

Join our Messy Church Nerang e-mail updates by sending a quick e-mail to messychurchnerangatgmail.com (help us fight spam replace the at with @).

Our Messy Church is based on Messy Church as it originated in the UK. Find out more about Messy Church – visit



mainly music

9:30 am Wednesday at Nerang Uniting Church,

5 Nerang River Drive

Nerang Uniting Church is an accredited mainly music centre. It is a program for 0-5 year old children. During the morning children develop gross and fine motor skills, language, pre-reading skills, imagination as well as socialize with others. mainly music is run by volunteers who introduce children to music, creativity and more while giving parents and carers a chance to interact in a loving, sharing family environment. Morning tea is served after the session.We have a wonderful playground where children are supervised while mums and carers can enjoy a home made morning tea and a chat with other mums.  To help provide resources and morning tea each family is asked to give  a donation.

Come and meet other mums, dads and carers along with their children in a friendly,  caring environment.

Program runs almost every Wednesday – check FaceBook for details.


Children and young people who join us for worship each Sunday are invited to enjoy Children’s Church. Children’s Church happens at the same time as our Sunday Service but gives our youngsters the space to explore Bible stories in a child friendly way.

Church Life

The Nerang Uniting Church believes God calls us to support one another in fellowship and with love. We have a number of home grown opportunities for fellowship with our church and also support many organizations that help us to extend love and care to others.

Time 4 Friends

Fellowship group Time 4 Friends meets Friday mornings from 9.30-11.30am. Activities include board games, Scrabble, cards, craft such as knitting, crochet, card making, indoor bowls and of course a ‘cuppa”.

If you would like to chat, meet some new people, have a ‘cuppa’ or just get out of your house for a bit, come along and join us for just a cuppa or stay all morning. Our group is mainly older adults but all welcome, sometimes we even bring the grand kids in school holidays! Generally we start the morning with morning tea and a short burst of trivia questions. Then we settle to the games and activities.

Fellowship Lunches for Adults

Love to eat out but don’t like to do it alone? Each month our fellowship group chooses a local restaurant or cafe to visit for lunch.

Third Wednesday each month from 11:30 am, venues vary. Car pooling and transport can be arranged if needed. Cost is usually about $20 to $25 dollars.

Active in our Community

Nerang UC has a strong heart for the local community of Nerang. We encourage our people to be as involved as they are able. We support existing programs of the Uniting Church and some other community organisations.

We support the work of Scripture Union school chaplains at Nerang High School, Nerang Primary School and William Duncan State School. Our members help with a chaplaincy breakfast once a month at Nerang State High School and take a retiring offering at our Family Service each month to give vital financial support to the chaplaincy program.

For many years we have supported the work of Frontier Services working in remote parts of Queensland. We have given funds to supply Aviation fuel to keep Flying Bush Chaplain planes in the air and help these chaplains support the people in the bush.

Our Time 4 Friends group host a Biggest Morning Tea event with funds raised supporting the work of the Cancer Council in Queensland.


Each year we provide significant support to the Uniting World Lent Appeal providing funds to disadvantaged communities in the Pacific, Asia and Africa. Our support of the Christmas Bowl also provides funds to aid communities facing hardship.